Thursday 29 August 2013

Senior Moments

Is it my age or is it just that modern life is so very busy and stressful that my memory is not what it used to be? With all the pressures of a busy job, large extended family, an army of friends to keep in touch with, etc, etc, it is no wonder that I cannot remember half of what I am supposed to be doing. To try to combat the fading memory I'll be increasing my intake of fish. I'm not a big fish fan and to stop from gagging I have to stick to bland white fish with the occasional more exotic specimen thrown in. Mostly I take cod liver oil capsules as a cop out but tonight we were so late coming home from work that we swung by the chippy to pick up some cod, haddock and chips - with curry sauce of course - I am a northerner.

So why do they call fish 'brain food'? Because of all those omega 3 fatty acids. Don't you love the fact that something fatty can be good for you?! The good news is that cod liver oil is not just good for your joints and help to keep colds off but also protects against dementia. Eat fish and stay alert and be ripe, not rotten.


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